The Unit Trust of Samoa closed off another successful financial year by declaring a final dividend of 4 sene per unit, as proudly announced by the Board of Directors for the Unit Trust of Samoa Management Company. The final dividend payout amounts to a total of $3.30 million distributed to unitholders to conclude the financial year.
The overall dividend payout (interim plus final) amounts to $6.20 million. This was a historical year, as for the first time in the Trust’s history, an interim dividend and a final dividend have been declared and paid out in one financial year and is reflective of a dividend yield of 4.72%
In addition to the dividend, unitholders have also benefited from a 5.30% growth in the value of the unit from July 2019 to June 2020. The dividend yield and capital growth amount to a total return to the unitholder of 10.02% and this is a testament to the positive performance of the investment portfolio of the Trust.
UTOS Management Company CEO, Tevaga Viane Tagiilima acknowledges the support of all its unitholders during these unique times although it’s been an unpredictable year, with the economic consequences of the measles outbreak and the Covid-19 pandemic, with our stable financial performance, highly secured online registry system and flexibility of our investment policies to adjust to market changes, we are, therefore, pleased to have achieved another profitable year for the Trust.
As evident in the past, the below graph is a testament to the high payout distributed back to unitholders.

On behalf of the Trustees, the Chairman, and the Board of Directors, the Management and Staff of UTOS (Management) Limited would like to convey our gratitude to all Samoans locally and abroad who continually invest in the Unit Trust of Samoa.
The unit balance as at 30th June 2020 is the basis of the dividend calculation and will be payable to unitholders on Wednesday, 8th July 2020 for a period of 3 months.
For further information please contact UTOS on 26949 or 29916 or visit our website
Fa’afetai tele.
Fa’alauiloa e le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa (UTOS) le 10.02% mo tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili mo le aufai’iunite.
E fiafia lava le Komiti o Fa’atonu ale Kamupani o Puleaga a le Fa’aputugatupe Teufaafaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi (UTOS) a Samoa e fa’alauiloa le toe fa’amauina o se isi tausaga manuia falētupe mo le Mavaega Tausi, e ala i le fa’alauiloaina o lana tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili fa’aiu e .04 sene i le iunite. E $3.3 miliona se vaegatupe o le ā fa’amatu’u atu mo lenei tufatufaga i aufai’iunite e fa’ai’u ai lenei tausaga falētupe.
Mo le silafia, e tusa ma le $6.2 miliona tala le aofaiga atoa o tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili mo lenei tausaga falētupe pe a tu’ufatasi tupe fa’asili fa’avaitaimi e $2.9 miliona lea sa totogi i aufai’iunite i le masina o Me 2020 fa’atasi ai ma le tufatufaga fa’aiu lenei. Talu na fa’avae mai le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa, o se taimi muamua lea ua lua ai ni tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili i totonu o se tausaga falētupe se tasi, e 4.72% le tupe maua faasili mai ia tufatufaga.
E le gāta i lea tufatufaga, a ua fa’amanuia fo’i le aufai’iunite i le 5.30% mai si’itaga o le tau aogā o le iunite e amata mai i ā Iulai 2019 e o’o mai i ā Iuni 2020. A tu’u fa’atasi la nei fa’amanuiga ona maua ai lea o le 10.02% tupe mauā fa’asili mo tagatanu’u Samoa o lo’o teufa’afaigaluega a latou seleni i le UTOS. O se pine fa’amau lea o le mautū ma lelei fa’afoe tupe o lo’o fa’afaigaluega e le Mavaega Tausi.
Sa taua e le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, Tevaga Viane Tagiilima lona agaga fa’afetai i le lagolago malosi mai o le aufai’iunite, aemaise lava i nei vaitau i lona tulaga ese male lē mautonu, ona o a’afiaga o le tamāoaiga mai le fa’amai pipisi o le misela ma le Koviti-19, a’e peitai, ona o le mautū o le fa’afoeina o tupe, malu puipui’a o feso’otaiga fa’aonapone’i mo fefa’atauaiga, ma le tulaga fetu’utu’unai o faiga fa’avae mo le teufa’afaigaluega o tupe, e vave tali atu ai i su’iga mo’omia o le tamaoaiga, ua mafai ai ona toe ausia se isi tausaga falētupe manuia mo le Mavaega Tausi.
E fa’amaonia nei fa’amatalaga i le kalafa o tufatufaga o lo’o atagia ai le maualuga pea o vaega tupe o lo’o fa’amatu’u atu e le Mavaega Tausi mo aufai’iunite.

E avea ai ma sui o le Tausi Mavaega, le Taitaifono ma le Komiti o Fa’atonu, e momoli atu ai e le Pulega ma le aufaigaluega a le Kamupani o Puleaga a le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega tausi a Samoa le fa’amālo ma le fa’afetai tele i tagātanu’u o Samoa, o lo’o aumau i Samoa nei, fa’apea ē o aumau i atunu’u mamao, o lo’o teufa’afaigaluega a latou seleni i le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa.
O paleni o iunite a le aufai’iunite i le Aso 30 o Iuni 2020, o lo’o fa’avae ai le iloiloga o lenei tufatufaga, ma e mafai e aufai’iunite ona tala i tua a latou tufatufaga e amata mai i le Aso Lulu, 8 o Iulai 2020, mo se vaitaimi e tolu (3) masina.
Mo nisi fa’amatalaga fa’aopo’opo i lenei tufatufaga, fa’afeso’ota’i mai le Ofisa o le Pulega a le UTOS i le telefoni 26949/ 29916 po’o lou asiasi ane fo’i i le matou upega tafa’ilagi
Fa’afetai tele.