Unit Trust of Samoa (UTOS) declares Interim Dividend for Unitholders

Unit Trust of Samoa (UTOS) declares Interim Dividend for Unitholders.

The Unit Trust of Samoa is pleased to announce an interim dividend distribution of .04 sene per unit for its Unitholders. This is the first time in the Trust’s history that an interim dividend has been paid out to its Unitholders with UTOS CEO Tevaga Viane Tagiilima stating that “the relatively strong performance of the Unit Trust to date has provided the opportunity for the Unit Trust of Samoa during these uncertain times to support its unitholders financially while we face the COVID-19 crisis”. The Unit Balance as at 31st December 2019 is the basis for the calculation of this dividend and the Unitholder’s account must still be active as at 30th April 2020 in order to receive this benefit. That is, any accounts closed within January to April 2020 will not be entitled. The interim dividend is based on the financial performance of the Trust for the first half of the financial year 2019/2020, with a total payout of $2.90 Million tala to be made to its unitholders. The interim dividend was declared during the UTOS (Management) Limited Board Meeting on the 29th of April 2020. Active Unitholders who are eligible for this payout will be able to access their dividends on the 4th of May 2020. The Unitholders will be given a one month period to access these dividends, thereafter; automatic reinvestment will take place as we near the end of financial whereby a final dividend is also anticipated. On behalf of the Trustee, The Chairman and the Board of Directors, the Management and Staff of UTOS (Management) Limited wishes Samoa well during these trying times and appreciates the continuous support from our Unitholders.

For more information regarding this interim dividend please contact UTOS on 26949/29916 or visit our website www.utos.ws

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Fa’alauiloa e le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa (UTOS) lana tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili fa’avaitaimi mo le aufai’iunite

E fiafia lava le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa e fa’alauiloa le fa’amatu’uina atu o se tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili fa’avaitaimi e .04 sene i le iunite mo le aufai’iunite. O se taimi muamua lenei ua faia ai lenei tufatufaga fa’avaitaimi i le tala’aga o le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa, na fa’aalia e le Ofisa Sili o Pulega, Tevaga Viane Tagiilima “o lo’o agai pea I luma tulaga tau tupe a le Mavaega Tausi ma le mafuaaga lea I nei taimi faigata ma le lē mau tonu, e fa’aauau pea ona tu’uina atu le lagolago a le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega Tausi a Samoa mo ana Aufai’iunite, a’o feagai ai le atunu’u ma a’afiaga tugā o le KOVITI-19,”. O paleni o Iunite a le Aufai’iunite i le aso 31 o Tesema 2019 e fa’avae ai le iloiloga o lenei tufatufagama e tatau fo’i ona tatala pea le teugātupe e o’o mai i le aso 30 o Aperila 2020, e mafai ai ona agava’a ai mo lenei fa’amanuiaga. O teugātupe uma sa tapunia mai le aso 1 o Ianuari 2020 e o’omai i le aso 30 o Aperila 2020, e lē agava’a i lenei fa’amanuiaga. O lenei tufatufaga fa’avaitaimi e fa’avae mai i taunu’uga o galuega fa’atino a le Fa’aputugātupe i le ono masina muamua o le tausaga falētupe 2019/2020, e tusa lea ma le $2.90 Miliona tala le tupe o le ā fa’amatu’uina atu mo le aufai’iunite, mai lenei tufatufaga. Sa fa’aiugafonoina lenei tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili faavaitaimi i le fonotaga a le Komiti o Fa’atonu a le Kamupani o Puleaga i le aso 29 o Aperila 2020. E mafai e aufai’iunite o lo’o agava’a i lenei fa’amanuiaga ona tala i tua a latou tufatufaga e amata mai i le aso 4 o Me 2020. E tasi le masina o le ā tu’uina atu i aufai’iunite e tala ai i tua latou tufatufaga, a mae’a le masina e tasi ‘ae le’i talaina i tua, ona toe teuina lea o nei tufatufaga i teugātupe fa’afaigaluega a sui fai’iunite, ona ua latalata mai foi le fa’aiuga o le tausaga fa’alētupe, o lo’o fuafuaina ai foi le isi tufatufaga o tupe fa’asili. E fai ai ma sui o le Tausi Mavaega, le Taitaifono ma le Komiti o Fa’atonu, e momoli atu ai e le Pulega ma le aufaigaluega a le Kamupani o Puleaga a le Fa’aputugātupe Teufa’afaigaluega o Mavaega tausi a Samoa, mo’omo’oga alofa mo Samoa atoa i lenei vaitaimi faigatā, a’o se fa’afetai foi i le aufai’iunite mo le lagolagosua faifaipea o lo’o tu’uina mai.

Mo nisi fa’amatalaga fa’aopo’opo i lenei tufatufaga, fa’afeso’ota’i mai le Ofisa o le Pulega a le UTOS i le telefoni 26949/ 29916 po’o lou asiasi ane fo’i i le matou upega tafa’ilagi www.utos.ws

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