Two unitholders are diving into the festive season early with amazing gifts from the Unit Trust of Samoa and Bluesky Samoa.  The two organizations launched a joint promotion from early-September to mid-November rewarding customers who opened UTOS accounts together with M-Tala accounts during this period. The promotion was well received as evidenced by a large pool of customers that we’re entitled to the draw. The winners were drawn on the 22nd of November 2019, under the supervision of the Samoa Gambling Authority and on Friday, 29th November 2019, the winners were presented with their winnings.
UTOS Chief Executive Office Tevaga Viane Tagiilima conveyed his gratitude to Bluesky Samoa for their ongoing business partnership that has continuously provided unitholders’ with rewards such as this draw together with annual dividends received from the equity investment into the company. To date, the unitholders have continued to receive dividends from UTOS and this is made possible from investment returns including dividends from Bluesky The unitholders received a total return of 12% for the financial period ending June 2019.

Tevaga also congratulated and relayed his appreciation to all individuals, groups, business and organizations who have continued to invest their funds with UTOS. To date, more than 3000 people have signed up to become unitholders. This is a testament to the growing trust of the public to have UTOS as their investment vehicle. 
Mr. Sharma also reminded all Unitholders and Bluesky Customers to take advantage of the benefits available on M-Tala following a partnership earlier this year in April commenting:  “To date, U.T.O.S has received a total of $8 million dividends from its investment in Bluesky since 2011, including the $1.1 million dividends received in July 2019. A perfect time to sign up for a UTOS account and start buying Units is now – whereby you can easily purchase Units with UTOS using Bluesky’s M-Tala from anywhere, anytime safely and securely without having to leave your home.”

Mrs. Faletui Faamatuainu walked away with a brand new A50 Samsung Galaxy handset. The Amazing Love Christian Church Samatau Sunday School group was the winner of two return tickets to Auckland New Zealand and Mrs. Leilua Taulealo accepted the award on behalf of the group. 

All unitholders who signed up during this promotion period can now purchase more units by using the M-Tala Platform which has proven convenient for those wishing to purchase extra units with UTOS. More rewarding promotions are planned for the 2020 year to reward our customers and inevitably give back to our community. 


E to’a lua ni sui o le aufaiunite ua fa’amanuiaina i ni fa’iloga matagofie ae le’i o’o mai aso fiafia, e ala mai i se fa’alauiloa i se faiga fa’apa’aga a le UTOS ma le Bluesky Samoa. O lenei fa’alauiloa na agava’a uma iai i latou na tatalaina latou teugatupe i le UTOS fa’atasi ai ma le resitala i le M-Tala, amata mai I le vaiaso muamua o Setema se’i oo mai i le ogatotonu o Novema. O lenei fa’alauiloa na talileleia e le mamalu o le Atunu’u, e pei ona molimauina i le aofai oi latou na agava’a mo le se’i. O le Aso Faraile, 22 o Novema 2019 na fa’atinoina ai se’i, i lalo o le va’avaiga ale Pulega e Fa’afoeina Kasino ma Ta’aloga Faitupe Ese’ese, A’e o le aso Faraile, 29 o Novema na faapea ona taua’aoina aloaia atu ai faailoga i sui na fa’amanuiaina. Na saunoa le Ofisa Sili o Pulega a le UTOS, Tevaga Viane Tagiilima, e fa’alia ai lona agaga faafetai i le Bluesky Samoa mo lenei fa’alauiloa, i faiga fa’apa’aga faifaipea ma le Bluesky, ua mafai ai pea e le aufaiiunite ona maua fa’amanuiga e le gata i fa’alauiloa fa’apenei, ae o tupe maua mai i le fa’afaigaluegaina ai lea o tupe a le aufaiiunite i latou sea i totonu o le Bluesky. I le masina o Iuni na faailoa ai foi le Aotelega o Tupe Faasili a le aufaiiunite mo le tausaga faa-le-tupe 2018/2019, e tusa lea ma le 12%. 

Na ave foi le fa’amalo a Tevaga i aufaiiunite uma, mai lava i tagata taitoatasi, o pisinisi ma fa’alapotopotoga, o lo’o fa’apea ona avea pea ma sui faiiunite. O le lagolagosua faifaipea a I latou nei, o lo’o fai ma lu’itau i le UTOS ina ia si’isi’i ai pea le tulaga o lana auaunaga. E o’o mai i le aso, ua sili atu ma 3000 sui fai iunite a le UTOS ma o se la’asaga tele foi lea. 
Na saunoa le Ofisa Sili o Pulega a le Bluesky Samoa, Satish Sharma, e fa’amanatu i le aufaiiunte fa’apea ma tagata o lo’o fa’aaogaina le auaunaga a le Bluesky, ina ia latou fa’aogaina auaunaga taugofie ma faigofie nei, o lo’o mafai ona fa’aogaina ai le MTala. E o’o mai le asō, ua tusa ma le $8miliona le aotelega o tufatufaga ua mafai ona maua mai i sea a le UTOS i le Bluesky fa’atasi ai ma le $1.10 miliona lea na tuuina mai i le tausaga nei. O le taimi lelei la lenei e tatala ai teugatupe i le UTOS ma fa’atau iunite e fa’aogaina ai le MTala mai so’o se itu o le atunu’u.

O le tinā ia Faletui Fa’amatuaina na manumalo i le telefoni Samsung A50. O le Aoga Aso Sa a le Amazing Love Christian Church i Samatau na manumalo i Pepa Malaga e lua e malaga atu ai i Niu Sila ma toe fo’i mai. O le susuga ia Leilua Taulealo na fai ma sui o le Aoga Aso Sa e talia aloaia lenei fa’ailoga.

O le aufai’iunite nei na agava’a i le fa’alauiloa ua mafai ona latou fa’atauina iunite e fa’aogaina ai le MTala. O se auala e faigofie ma taugofie mo le aufai’iunite. O leā fa’aauau pea faiga fa’alauiloa ua maea fuafuaina mo le 2020, auā lava ni fa’amanuiaina mo le aufai’iunite ma Samoa atoa.

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